Monday, January 31, 2011

Foto Hantu Berjilbab Purbalingga[Video]

The appearance of a ghost who wear white hoods excited residents in the District Bobotsari, Purbalingga, Central Java. Veiled ghosts recorded by the camera cell phone has become a spectacle citizens. Suddenly the news spread, people came curious and want to see the video.

Every day a crowd of people seen at home Adit Bobotsari Village, District Bobotsari,. Video with a duration of about 30 seconds was taken during his tour of South Tlahab waterfall.

Out of curiosity, the video recordings at the input to the laptop. It seems clear, ghost veiled bath along with his three friends. Ghost wear a white shirt, white scarf and jeans.

According to Aditya, when taking a picture that looks a shower only three of her friends, "But once played, there is a third person with a vision," said Aditya.

Cash only veiled ghost videos that make residents and curious students. Adit they came to the house to see the video.

Residents believe that wearing a white headscarf and took bath is a ghost sightings. Because not long ago at that location a student MTs were killed while playing in the waterfall. "As the new year there kemariun MTs students who were killed while bathing there," said Siti Masitoh, Tlahab Kidul village residents.

Tarmidi Meanwhile, residents who live close to the waterfall said, waterfalls tlahab is unspoiled and rarely visited wisatawan.Sehingga residents believe it is still haunted location and often appeared sightings.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Foto Crop Circle UFO Sleman Jogja

Foto Jejak Crop Circle UFO SlemanFoto Jejak Crop Circle UFO Sleman

Nur Augustine, one of the founders of the BETA-UFO Indonesia, said that crop circles are happening in Sleman, Yogyakarta, is not the first.

"According to our report, previously in Tuban, East Java, in 1998 it had occurred the phenomenon of crop circles, the same as that in Sleman," said Nur Augustine to JAKARTA in Jakarta on Monday (1/24/2011).

Today there will be BETA-UFO team from Indonesia who will check the location of crop-circle in Sleman. BETA-UFO Indonesia said that currently they are not sure, whether crop circles are man-made UFO in Sleman or prankster.

"Our team just went over there this afternoon, and testimony from people around the crime scene is still confusing," said Nur Augustine.

"So, now I'm still waiting for its development," added Nur Augustine.

BETA-UFO INDONESIA is a group or organization who observed the UFO problem in Indonesia. BETA-UFO was established on October 26, 1997 with the aim of researching the UFO problem, records of UFO sightings in Indonesia, and then analyze and study it.

Nur Augustine Soedjatmiko is an educational background Ufolog Psychology born 26 April 1966. Co-founder of BETA-UFO Indonesia is also the founder and Director of the Institute of Psychology and Management Consulting Grahita Bina Mandiri.

Currently Nur Augustine has written several books including 'A Decade of Community Travel Tracking BETA-UFO UFO Phenomenon', 'Phobia', 'Between Children and Families', 'Overcoming Barriers to the Executive Business'.

UFO-related, in terms of Indonesian Language, UFO is actually called Strange Flying Objects (BETA) or Not Known Flying Objects (BETEBEDI). Two terms that are not too popular.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Emo Angel Girl Wallpaper

Emo Angel Girl Wallpaper

Best Emo Wallpaper

Best Emo Wallpaper

Emo Abstract Wallpaper

Emo Abstract Wallpaper

Emo Wallpaper

Emo Wallpaper

Emo Girl Wallpaper

Emo Girl Wallpaper

Dark Butterfly Wallpaper

Sad Emo Boy

Sad Emo Boy

Sad Emo Boy

Sad Emo Boy

Monday, January 17, 2011

Video Hantu Baju Merah Sukabumi

Video Ghost sightings of red-shirt Sukabumi district Youtube sukabumi makes uproar sukabumi citizens, where the video is the ghost kid in the red dress that shows itself in a rocking chair. Where is the red ghost video sukabumi can be downloaded on youtube with the keyword search "red ghost video download sukabumi".

However, the discrepancy is the ghost of a child as the red shirt appear yourself look like a video edits and no video delay time sukabumi the red ghost sightings. Allegedly this video was deliberately made just for video ghost sukabumi issue. And you can give his own assessment of whether the video is genuine or fake, in a video that lasted about 5 minutes of video results sukabumi the red ghost sightings.

And the end of the video where ghost sightings in the red dress in this sukabumi we can see a ghost who is sitting on her door mengeleng his head. For the curious, please see the red shirt sukabumi ghost video below:

Video Penampakan Hantu Baju Merah Sukabumi

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Penampakan Hantu Majalengka Taman Dirgantara

If during this delicate creature elusive human senses of sight, is not the case at hand Andi (34), residents Majalengka.Paling no, that's who he is and some people believe today. Andi admitted photographing fine a creature by accident, during a visit to the Museum Aerospace Majalengka, Sunday (9 / 1).

On the recorded images in the camera cell phone, a creature that resembles a fine little boy with long hair can be seen clearly rests on the fuselage, just below the wing.

Now, picture Andi hand shots that spread widely in the community. Residents generally curious to see what a fine figure of a creature that became a byword.

One Solihin, brother of Andi, said that initially, Andi did not realize that girls who recorded under the wing of a plane that is being refined. At that time, Andi is only intended to photograph her son named Anggi (3) on the plane. But, when his picture so, and Andi watched carefully, then realized that the creature who participated recorded it as he sees no photograph.

"Although initially find it hard to believe, Andi finally convinced if the figure of a child is photographed female guardian spirits Aerospace Museum. Moreover, her son named Anggi have a sixth sense and can see ghosts," said Solihin.

Until now, residents who have a camera phone still vying to download photos via bluetooth service. Many of them believed in him, but not a few who doubt it. Moreover, based on the recognition of Andi, as said Solihin, shooting is done when the museum was empty of visitors.